Monday, August 17, 2009

New Travels

Summer's not over quite yet, but my vacation almost is. Last week I quit my job and have been using the extra time to pack up the bags I feel like I've just unpacked from Buenos Aires.

Saturday is Ithaca, until mid-October.

Home is kind of becoming something of a posting station between my travels.

Over the weekend I decided to check some cookbooks out of the local library, to you know, practice not killing people. I grabbed a copy of Moosewood Restaurant Celebrates, a collection of recipes from the Moosewood Collective dedicated to all kinds of holidays and celebrations.

The book has a lot of references to Ithaca, from local celebrations to tofu kan to the Tibetan population and its influences. And it hit me, it finally hit me, that I haven't been in Ithaca since December.

This is going to be a school year dedicated to really getting to experience the Ithaca outside my campus. More hippie organizations, gorges, festivals, art shows, contra dances, EVERYTHING I can possibly get my hands on.

Oh, and getting a job.

Other super-important question: what should I do with this blog? One thing hasn't changed since Argentina: I'm still an attention whore. If I kept blogging about random happenings, would you guys still read it?

People who say "they are blogging for themselves" are stupid attention whores that like to make pretend that they are ignorant of the fact that they are attention whores. I am not one of those whores.

Example: I had a really bad experience a few semesters ago where my professor told the class we had to blog about every single assigned reading, which I did. Apparently about three months into the class, I was the only one that still did and no one told me. Even the professor gave up reading the damn things.

I had a bit of a blog meltdown after that one. Not pretty, kind of scary.

Go me.

So what do you guys, if anyone still reads this since I haven't updated in almost a month, think I should do with this thing?


Unknown said...

I'm actually facing the same situation right now. Here's what I have to say about keeping the blog.

1) Since it's not going to be about you traveling in the literal sense, maybe there is information that you want to share with everyone. This could be about travel in general, or places you'd like to go to and why.

2) The blog was a way to let people know how you are doing in a particular facet of your life. So, lets blog about something that we hold dear, or at least think is important enough to share with others. What are your aspirations, current projects, problems needing to be solved, and information that you are seeking?

3) In the end, your blog is about yourself, and the world as you see it. Show us your unique, quirky, energetic perspective.

Long live the blogs!

Caylena Cahill said...

I like to read your writing... but I live with you now, so maybe I'll know what's going on in your life already? I check the blog every so often, when I remember.