Friday, June 19, 2009

Weird Buenos Aires

As my time in Buenos Aires is drawing to a close (Saturday makes one week WTF), I've begun to explore all the little nooks and crannies in the city that I walk by almost every day but have never really noticed.

And they're strange nooks and crannies.

For instance, take in this beauty.

This is Floralis Generica, a GIANT metal sculpture with its own park in the Recoleta barrio. It runs on solar energy and is capable of opening and closing like a real flower. When the sun rises, the petals open. When the sun sets, the petals close up again.

Or that was the initial concept.

Unfortunately, it's constantly breaking. It's really fun to walk by just as the sun goes down and watch the tourists holding up their cameras, waiting for Floralis Generica to close and then realizing that it's not going to happen. It's like watching a bunch of kids realize that Santa Claus isn't real.

Exhibit B: Siga la Vaca.

Haha, that's the door handle of this amazing parrilla (steakhouse). A forty-five peso lunch at this Puerto Madero eatery gets you all the salad and meat you can eat (seriously. All the meat you can eat), a drink and a dessert.

But notice Siga la Vaca's logo.

That little cow's face is all over the restaurant. And the whole time I was eating, I just kept thinking of this:

Mooby the Golden Calf watched me commit the sin of gluttony. I'm waiting for Matt Damon to slay me.

And finally, the coup de grace of weird Buenos Aires (at least to me): the hair salon across the street from my school.

Notice the portrait on the left of the sign.

Yes, that is Sawyer from Lost.

No, I don't get it either.


Caylena Cahill said...

I love the reference to Dogma! lol

Unknown said...

Hahah Sawyer! I wonder what he's doing on that billboard...he's still hot though.

Yay for Mooby! Funny, I was thinking of that too, but I just couldn't remember what *exactly* I was thinking of.

I want a giant flower like that in my future home. :0)