Saturday, September 4, 2010

What I've done, what I'm doing, where I'm going

I can't believe that it's already Labor Day weekend. The hell?

I can't believe that classes started at Ithaca College two weeks ago, and I'm not there. In my mind, it's still summer vacation and I'm just waiting to go back to school. Am I going to feel this way when there's snow on the ground?

It's weird. My super-long winter break before Argentina was similar, because all my friends were in class and I was home. Working at my dad's office translating letters for dental patients into Spanish, and going to the gym every day because I had nothing better to do. But this time there's no classes on any continent to look forward to, and I'm not going back to Ithaca as a student again any time soon (although I am trekking up for apple fest. Nothing can ever separate me from apple fest!).

Instead, I'm working. Two weeks after graduating from Ithaca, I packed two suitcases and made my way down to Washington, D.C. for an internship with American Rights at Work. They're an amazing organization dedicated to promoting the fact that workers' rights are human rights, and that every worker has the right to join a union.

They're one of the main reasons I haven't been blogging here this summer. Because I've been blogging over there. Check it out. I've been writing quite a bit! I really love it at ARAW. I get to write about human rights every day, and I'm learning a crazy amount about labor laws and unions in the United States. My articles about the Tompkins County Workers' Center and Ithaca Coffee have really taken me far!

Next week I'm starting another internship, with the Pan American Development Foundation. They're a really large charitable organization, and I'm really super excited to be working on Latin American issues again. In Spanish! God, I've gotten so rusty with that this summer. I went to a party last night and tried to speak Spanish. Probably didn't help that I was drinking...but boy did I suck.

So this summer's been really crazy. I graduated from college, got my own place in Washington D.C., and am simultaneously trying to act like a grown-up and am waiting for the morning I need to get up at 7 a.m. to register for classes. A morning that won't come again until I decide to go to grad school. But I need a real job and not an internship for that to happen first!

Keep an eye out on the blog, now that I have my life in some kind of semblance of order I'm going to be posting regularly again. In the next few days I'm definitely going to be posting pictures of my fabulous new house and town, and some of the better blog entries I've done for American Rights at Work. Along with a review of the CELEBRITY TWEET-A-THON I helped organize! I certainly miss my old life, but my new one is really turning into an exciting adventure. Love!