Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mas picturas!

I'm in a cafe with wifi, so I'm finally able to post a few more of my pictures! Huzzah! This is by NO MEANS all I've done in Argentina, and by no means all the photos I've taken. They're just the ones I've saved to my it's really just a smattering of my trip thus far.

The cemetery in Recoleta. These are all HUGE mausoleums dedicated to hundreds of the wealthiest and most powerful families in Buenos Aires. It's like a city of the dead. Very eerie, especially when walking past it at night. This is also where Evita Peron is interred. But that's another picture for another day.

The symbol of Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo, painted on the ground in Plaza de Mayo. A reminder that even when they're not walking, they're working for their cause.

La Casa Rosada, aka "The Pink House." This is not where the President lives, but where the government works. The original paint used to make the building pink was supposedly bovine's blood.

The view from my window in my apartment. Jesus.