Thursday, May 6, 2010


Sleep? What is sleep? I do not know the word.

Here's what I have done these past two weeks, instead of giving my body some rest.

-I wrote a 5,000 word feature on the Tompkins County Workers' Center for my narrative journalism, which just got picked up by The Ithacan. They printed it on the front page.

-I edited the newest issue of Buzzsaw and wrote an article about a local coffee shop's baristas forming a union.

-Someone's article in the newest issue of Buzzsaw kind of sucked, so I cut out and wrote it myself.

-I took the worst Web design test ever.

-I took a friend to the emergency room. She's OK. But we only found that out after waiting for about nine hours.

-I caught up on Glee.

-I wore a cute skirt.

-I don't remember the rest.